Open For A Full Made to Order Breakfast 7 Days a Week at 7AM
Open For A Full Made to Order Breakfast 7 Days a Week at 7AM
Come enjoy a drink with us!
We all need a place to relax after work, so why not do it with a drink in your hand? Join us for Happy Hour every weekday from 11am-6pm!
We are the real deal, best breakfast in town 7 days a week, voted best bar, best happy hour, best appetizer, best chicken dinner, best burger and more!
What bar would be complete without a few games to blow off steam? After you grab a drink, feel free to ask any of our staff to borrow a pool cue or set of darts and play away!
Two Bars Including a Full Outdoor Patio Bar / Pool Tables /
8700 Gladiolus Drive
Ft. Myers, Florida 33908
on the corner of Winkler and Gladiolus
Open 7 Days a Week
8AM to 11PM!
Applications by email to:
Get on down to the barn for a drink and some Rooster food!
Rooster's (WEST) -2280 Superior Drive NW, Rochester, MN 55901 == Rooster's Too! SOUTH - 4576 Maine Avenue SE, Rochester, MN 55904 and Rooster's Fort Myers, FL 8700 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33908
Rooster's WEST Near COSTCO (507) 226.8885 Rooster's Too! SOUTH Near LOWES (507) 206.6799 Rooster's Fort Myers, FL (239) 245.8516
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK at 7AM till 1AM (Ft. Myers is 8am to 11pm)
Full Breakfast Menu Available: 7AM to 11AM Mon-Sat and 7AM to Noon Sun
Lunch Menu Available: Monday - Sunday 11AM to 10PM
Bar / Alcohol Service Starts Everyday at 8AM and we serve until 1AM
Rooster's Sports Barns
Rooster's (WEST) -2280 Superior Drive NW, Rochester, MN 55901 and Rooster's Too! SOUTH - 4576 Maine Avenue SE, Rochester, MN 55904
WEST (507) 226.8885 and SOUTH (507) 206.6799